
The UNESCO Chair on Communication of the Faculty of Communication and Language at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá is celebrating its 30th anniversary, and within the framework of that celebration, we will be hosting the World Conference of the ORBICOM Network.
The event will take place on October 23, 24, and 25, 2024, in Bogotá, Colombia. It will feature the participation of international and national speakers, panels, and thematic working groups to present papers, research, workshops, and communication experiences related to the central theme of the Conference and the Chair.
The central theme of the event will address the Contributions, Limitations, and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI), about the following thematic/problematic axes:

Thematic AxesDescriptors
I.A., ethics, rights, security, surveillance and freedomsEthical debates and responsibility
Right to communication, regulations and governance
Human and digital rights (biases, discriminations, genre inequalities, equity, interculturality, …)
Privacy and computer security
I.A., politics and economyPolitical communication
The political economy of AI
Platform capitalism
I.A. and international cooperation
Automation and datafication in Global Southcontexts
I.A., media, mediations, networks and media ecosystemsMedia, cultural and creative industries
Technologies and social media
Platforms and video games
I.A., mediations, and sociotechnical imaginaries
I.A. and journalismI.A. journalism, misinformation, and verification
Data journalism
Journalism and generative art
I.A., education, culture and researchI.A. and education
I.A. and culture/ digital culture
I.A. and social research
I.A. and research-creation
I.A. and languagesResearch in computational linguistics
I.A., knowledge, culture, and indigenous languages
I.A. and critical literacies and writing
I.A., work, companies organizationsI.A. and work (biases and quality of workdatafication, precarization, plataformization, newmarkets, …)
I.A. in organizations and companies (digitaltransformation, technological infrastructure,programmatic advertising, …)

We hereby invite you to participate in the event, either as an attendee or as a speaker, by presenting a research paper, experience, or reflective work related to the conference’s general theme. Your participation can be in-person and/or remote (virtual), for which you can fill out the form at the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/4BuZ8qZVm5
On October 22, as a pre-event, the Jesús Martín-Barbero Chair led by the Universidad del Valle will be held in coordination with other universities of the country.
The deadline to confirm your in-person or remote (virtual) participation as a speaker or attendee is May 15, 2024.
All information about the event will be published on the following website: https://www.javeriana.edu.co/unesco/index.html

For more information, please contact us at this email: catedraunesco@javeriana.edu.co