Greece, Crete
Chaire UNESCO de politique culturelle pour une citoyenneté active et solidaire (Media and Information)
Description and mandate of the chair
The UNESCO Chair «Intercultural Policy for Active Citizenship and Solidarity” was established at the University of Macedonia, approved by UNESCO’s Secretariat and followed by the agreement signed between UNESCO and the University of Macedonia, in 2004.
The mission of the Chair is to promote research, training, information and further training in the field of intercultural policy. The term Intercultural Policy, used in all UNESCO’s actions shows that the Member States should contribute to the respect of the cultural tradition of each person or group of persons, the respect for human rights, the promotion of equal opportunities and the best possible integration of the individual or group of individuals in society. Combating all forms of discrimination with the perspective of harmonious coexistence who reside in a state and between the states, as well, in a peaceful global environment.
The preposition ‘’inter’’ regarding the multicultural policy field ensures refusal in any one-sided process, regardless of any good intentions, and invites everyone, with or without special features, to live in a society based on the acceptance of diversity of others and mutual respect their rights.
The term “active and inclusive citizenship” means respect for different nationalities and specific characteristics of the individual or group of individuals through the protection and respect of rights of all persons residing in a country.
(UNESCO No. 2004GR0654)
(Ver. 06-2023)
Chair Holder
Prof. Despoina Anagnostopoulou
Titular, UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy for Active and Solidarity Citizenship (Media and Information)
Professor, Department of International and European Studies
University of Macedonia
Rethymno (Crete), Greece
Tél.: (+30) 2310 891.442
danag@uom.edu.gr *