Desai, Mira K.

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About / À propos / Acerca de

Communication Researcher. Content Developer, Writer.

Being a researcher from India, Mira K. Desai’s work has multiple trajectories across disciplines of Journalism and mass communication, Home Science extension, Gender studies and Distance Education. Her doctoral work was about cultural imperialism and Indian television and in continuation she completed an edited volume on Regional Television in India for Routledge in 2021. She has researched whatever came her way in her professional work spanning more than three decades using her classroom, work environment and social spaces.

Her domain competence is in Development Communication, gender, online education, social research methodology and intra-cultural diversities. In 2021 during lockdown, she spearheaded a Pan-Indian voluntary research project titled ROTL – Research in Online Teaching Learning- covering a total 2000+ sample of students and teachers engaged in media communication education across the country. She has been part of UNESCO UniTwin Network ( for her University and one of the contributory authors for the Mapping Educational Strategies for Creating Gender-sensitive Journalism, Media and ICT Curriculums. She has published in three languages- English, Gujarati and Hindi. Her book manuscript for Neo-literates has won Government of India recognition in 2002. She is one of the AMIC India country representatives and manages the AMIC India Fund at her Department and is associated with GCRA, AICMA, MEAM and few other organisations.

Her research interests are Indian television, audience reception, gender/women’s studies, cultural imperialism and sociology of technology. She is curious about written and spoken cultures and their intersections which she wishes to research provided she gets time affordance.  Freedom of expression, right to information and democratic participation are her other interests besides micro and macro development issues. Her earlier work in participatory communication with rural, poor women has built her competencies in participatory message creation and design. Currently, she is Professor and Head of University Department of Extension & Communication at SNDT Women’s University at Mumbai, India.  She has authored two volumes on Indian television and edited a volume on Regional Language television in India for Routledge in 2021.

Recent Publications:

  1. Regional Language Television in India: Profiles and Perspectives (ed.), (2021) Routledge, Details of the Book
  2. Evolution Of Indian Sport Leagues: The Sport, Media And Management (2020), Gyan Books,  Details of the Book

Publications on Academia: here

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