Draghici, Carmen

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Professor Carmen Draghici joined The City Law School in September 2009. She specialises in Human Rights Law, with a particular interest in the interpretation and application of the European Convention on Human Rights, and Family and Child Law in England and Wales. She is also a Senior Fellow of the UK’s Higher Education Academy, an Academic Fellow of the Inner Temple (2018 appointment), a member of the practice-focused Centre for Child and Family Law Reform (since 2010) and a Visiting Professor at the Open University of Catalonia (since 2009). She was formerly a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Law School’s Human Rights Program (2015), a Visiting Research Scholar at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University (2012), and a Leverhulme Visiting Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, University of East London (2008). Professor Draghici holds a PhD degree in International Law and Human Rights from the University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ (awarded in 2007).

Professor Draghici has authored a monograph on the development of family rights in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (“The Legitimacy of Family Rights in Strasbourg Case Law: ‘Living Instrument’ or Extinguished Sovereignty?”, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017), as well as journal articles and book chapters on the right to respect for private and family life, non-discrimination, freedom of expression, the protection of civil liberties in the context of counter-terrorism, and the relationship between international human rights norms and domestic law. Recent titles include: “Unplanned Fatherhood is Not Sperm Donation: The Unduly Moralistic Approach to Natural Fathers in European Convention Case Law” (2022) 2 Child and Family Law Quarterly 123-147; “Adult Children and Elderly Parents in Strasbourg Proceedings: A Misconstrued Approach to ‘Family Life’” (2018) 1 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 42-62; “Equal Marriage, Unequal Civil Partnership: A Bizarre Case of Discrimination in Europe” (2017) 4 Child and Family Law Quarterly 313-334; “The Strasbourg Court between European and Local Consensus: Anti-Democratic or Guardian of Democratic Process?” (2017) (Jan) Public Law 11-29.

In addition to her academic work and links with the legal profession, Professor Draghici has collaborated since 2011 with the International Federation of Journalists in an advisory capacity, supporting their advocacy efforts at UN level for improved international guarantees for media workers, in particular by preparing and promoting a Draft UN Convention on the Safety and Independence of Journalists and Other Media Professionals.

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