Mac’Ouma, Enock
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About / À propos / Acerca de
Mr. Enock Mac’Ouma is the coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Community Radio for Agricultural Education based in Rongo University Kenya. He is member of the African Union Scientific Research and Innovation Council-ASRIC, working group investigating Africa’s indigenous knowledge to preventing and controlling emerging infectious diseases on the continent. He holds a master’s degree in Communication Studies, a Bachelor of Education (Arts), a Diploma in Education (Arts) and Certificate in Research and Evaluation in the NGO sector.
Research interests
Community radio, communication for Development (C4D), climate change, podcasting for agricultural education, climate change education and communication, sustainability education and communication, sustainable traditional food systems communication.
Special responsibilities
Member of the African Union Scientific, Technical and Research Commission’s ASRIC Working Group investigating indigenous knowledge for prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases on the continent such as Covid-19, Ebola and Lasa Fever.
Member of the advisory Board of the UNESCO Chair on Food, Biodiversity and Sustainability studies which as based at the Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada.
Coordinator and Research Assistant for the “Voicing Change” project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada.
Coordinator and Research Assistant for the “FLAGship” project funded by the Social Sciences and Research Council (SSHRC), Canada.
Professional associations
The Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK), Communication for Development Network (C4D Network), European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR) and, the African Social and Behaviour Change Communication Network, the Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication (ORBICOM), the Australian Human Rights Institute, the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG), the Institute of Global Development, and Development Studies Association of Australia (DSAA).
Social media links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ3UNcrb-wbturoQRJa_Afg
LinkedIn: https://ke.linkedin.com/in/enock-mac-ouma-294754134
Institute for Global Development (IGD): https://www.igd.unsw.edu.au/enock-macouma
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pqgoLiQAAAAJ&hl=en
Orbicom (Chair’s Website): https://orbicom.ca/kenya-rongo/
Book chapters
Enock Mac’Ouma. (2021). Characteristics of Community Radio: An Entertainment Factory or Catalyst for Development, Food and Nutrition Security. Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 4, 10 May 2021, Page 18-26
https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/castr/v4/2170FPublished: 2021-05-10
Articles in scholarly referred journals
Enock Mac’Ouma. Programmes in community radio stations for peaceful political campaigns within Migori County, Kenya. International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology. ISSN: 2412-0294. Vol. VII Issue V, May 2021.
Oloo, S.A & Enock Mac’Ouma. (2021). Exploring the thin line between misinformation and facts in the era of Covid-19 in selected border Counties of Kenya. http://ijmi.ir/index.php/IJMI/article/view/276/457
Enock Mac’Ouma: Community Radio: An Entertainment Factory or Catalyst for Development, Food and Nutrition Security: International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Community-Radio%3A-An-Entertainment-Factory-or-for-Mac%E2%80%99Ouma/dc3329806b71c05831fc1fea5a966bee342935b2
Peter Day & Enock Mac’Ouma: Community Media for Kenya (CM4K) and the Sustainable Development Goals: A review of milestones and opportunities. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology. ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 5 No. 3; March 2018. pp 52-66.
Enock Mac’Ouma, Henry Kinya, Mohochi Sangai and John Oluoch. 2018. A Contextual Analysis of Community Radio Programming and Peace Promotion in Political Campaigns in Kenya: A Case of Migori County. Journal of New Media and Mass Communication. https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/NMMC/article/download/40547/41701
Articles in professional or trade journals
May 2021: https://www.energyhumanities.ca/news/making-climate-information-accessible-to-rural-farmers-in-kenya.
Mac’Ouma, E. 2020. Kenya’s population rise: How COVID-19 containment measures will affect Kenya’s depressed economy. Retrieved from Australian Institute of International Affairs: https://www.internationalaffairs.org.au/australianoutlook/kenyas-population-rise-how-covid-19-containment-measures-will-affect-kenyas-depressed-economy/
Mac’Ouma, E. 2019. Migingo Island: Stern test for peacebuilding in East Africa. Retrieved from Australian Institute of International Affairs: https://www.internationalaffairs.org.au/australianoutlook/migingo-island-peacebuilding-east-africa/
Non-refereed contributions
Ogenga, F., & Mac’Ouma Ochieng, E. 2016. How Muslims can help counter violent extremism in Kenya. Retrieved from Southern Voices: https://africaupclose.wilsoncenter.org/how-muslims-can-help-counter-violent-extremism-in-kenya/
(Ver. 04-2023)
Mr. Enock Mac’Ouma
Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Community Radio for Agricultural Education
School of Information, Communication and Media Studies
Department of Communication
Rongo University
Rongo, Kenya
Tel.: (+254) 077 329 6379
Tel.: (+254) 724 813 533
WhatsApp: (+254) 707 708 028
e.macouma@rongovarsity.ac.ke *
Web Site of the Chair