Grattan, Kenneth T. V.

About / À propos / Acerca de

Prof. Kenneth T. V. Grattan, OBE, FREng. is the Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Information and Communication Engineering at the Royal Academy of Engineering, City University of London, England.

Previously, Professor Grattan has been Deputy Editor of the Journal Measurement Science and Technology for several years and currently serves on the Editorial Board of several major journals in his field in the USA and Europe. Professor Grattan has been a Member of the University Executive Committee (ExCo) since 2008 and chairs two of its sub-Committees, the University Sustainability Committee and the Business Continuity Management Committee. He has served on Senate for over 20 years, as well as many of its sub-Committees.

(Ref.: Web page of Prof. Kenneth T.V. Grattan)

(Ver. PBe 06-2022)


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