Perusko, Zrinjka

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About / À propos

Zrinjka Peruško is full Professor of media sociology and mass communication at the Department of Media and Communication, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, and Founder Chair of its Centre for Media and Communication Research.

She is Director of the Media and Politics stream in the Doctoral Program in Political Science at the University of Zagreb, and Founder Co-Director of the international post-graduate course Comparative Media Systems at the Inter University Centre Dubrovnik (since 2012).

Peruško is member of the ICA where she served as a member of the Committee for the Steve Chaffee Career Achievement Award (2016 – 2018), and ECREA where she served as the Chair and vice-chair of the CEE Network of ECREA (2016-18, 2014-16, respectively).  She leads the Croatian team in the HORIZON 2020 project “Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative Communication: Development Scenarios of the European Media Landscape” – MEDIADELCOM (2021-24).

A comparative communication scholar, she is engaged with the analysis of media systems, media cultures and audience dynamics, and mediatization related transformations of journalism, audiences, and media systems, often with a historical perspective and with a focus on the CEE.

She teaches at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level at home and abroad, including on media and political and media systems, media and democracy, mediatization theory – media and social change, media sociology and mass communication theory.

(Ver. 02-2021)

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