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Shrestha, Basanta

  • 1988

About / À propos

Extensive experience in the field of Information Technology and its applications.

Joined ICIMOD in 1990 and is currently managing a Information technology Division at ICIMOD with a particular focus on Geo-informatics technology and applications to mountain development.

Played an instrumental role in establishing a state-of-the-art information technology infrastructure at ICIMOD and contributed towards improved access to information in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan (HKH) region and beyond. Undertaken a number of IT based initiatives at ICIMOD, which is one of the foremost in Nepal

Undertaken a number of GIS applications projects with the collaborating partners exemplifying the potential of applications in mountain environment.

Contributed towards human resource development by developing various training materials on geo-informatics both in academic as well as non-academic environment.

Planned, developed, and implemented GIS related training and research development projects towards capacity building and institutional strengthening in ICIMOD’s member countries.

Published numerous training manuals, case studies and papers on subjects related to GIS and its applications.

Contributed towards developing GIS capacity in multi-sctoral organisations and introducing GIS in the academic sectors, which are widely recognised in the region.
The Tibet University has granted honorary professorship for his contribution in introducing GIS in Tibet University.

In 2001, led a team from ICIMOD to receive a preseidential award by Environmental System Reserach Institute, USA during the conference participated by more than 10,000 professionals from all over the world. The award was given in recognition to contribution towards GIS capacity building and netwoprking in the region.

Through affiliation with the Computer Association of Nepal, organised a first ever IT conference in Nepal attracting more than 300 participants from the region and beyond.

(Ver. 01-2022)

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