Teer-Tomaselli, Ruth
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About / À propos
From the university Website:
Ruth Teer-Tomaselli is Professor Emeritus and Research Fellow at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban South Africa.
She holds a UNESCO Chair in Communications for Southern Africa, 2002- present. She is a past Vice-President of the International Association for Media and Communications Research (IAMCR). Ruth has also served as the President of the South African Communications Association (SACOMM) and is a Fellow of that organisation. She has served as a Board member on the South African Broadcasting Corporation as well as the commercial station, East Coast Radio and the community radio station, Durban Youth Radio.
Ruth has supervised over 20 doctoral and 40 masters’ candidates to completion, and published written widely on the history, regulation and content of television in South Africa and across Africa. Her other research interests are visual communication, memory studies and heritage sites. Teer-Tomaselli is an Associate Editor of Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies (Routledge); and serves on the boards of the European Journal of Cultural Studies (Sage) and Feminist Media Studies Routledge). In her spare-time she gardens and trains bonsai trees.
1993-1996, Board Member, SA Broadcasting Corporation. Chair: Democracy Education Broadcasting Initiative (DEBI) for Voter Education (prior to April ’94 elections). Member of News and Information Sub-Committee. Chairperson of the Fine Arts Acquisition Committee. Member of Technical and Satellite sue-committee.
1993-1996, Trustee SABC Pension Fund.
1993-1996, Alvisor Public Broadcasting Research Project, Film and Allied Workers Organisation in association with Centre for Cultural and Media Stulies, University of Natal, Durban.
1995, MemLer of Technical Committee (Research Evaluation), Forum of African Women Educators, Nairobi, Kenya. This is the Forum’s continental grant making committee.
1996, Board Member Durban Arts.
1974-78 Promotions Manager, McGraw-Hill, Isando.
(MAJ PBe 01-2022)
Professor Emeritus
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Communications for Southern Africa
College of Humanities
University of KwaZulu-Natal