Unwin, Tim
- 2009
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About / À propos
- Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D (https://ict4d.org.uk)
- Emeritus Professor of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Honorary Professor, Lanzhou University
- Co-Founder TEQtogether (https://teqtogether.org)
- Chair of the Advisory Board of the UNU Institute in Macau
- Latest Book: Unwin, T. (2017) Reclaiming Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Oxford: OUP
- Latest Report: DFID and World Bank (2020) report on Education for the most marginalized post-COVID-19, see https://ict4d.org.uk/technology-and-education-post-covid-19/
(Ver. 11-2021)
Prof. Tim Unwin
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D
Emeritus Professor of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London
Honorary Professor, Lanzhou University, China
Co-Founder TEQtogether – changing men’s attitudes and behaviours on women and technology
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D
Emeritus Professor of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London
Honorary Professor, Lanzhou University, China
Co-Founder TEQtogether – changing men’s attitudes and behaviours on women and technology
London, England, United Kingdom
Tel.: (+44) 01 784 444 153
Tel.: (+44) 01 784 443 567
Tel.: (+44) 01 784 443 567