Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2009-2010
The biennial Digital Review of Asia Pacific is a comprehensive guide to the state-of-practice and trends in information and communication technologies for development (ICTD) in Asia Pacific, and will be launched on June 11th. This fourth edition (2009–2010) features 30 economies and four sub-regional groupings.
The chapters provide updated information on ICT infrastructure, industries, content and services, key initiatives, enabling policies, regulation, education and capacity building, open source and R&D initiatives, as well as key ICTD challenges in each of the economies covered. Policies for managing innovation in the network economy – an important topic for governments in today’s fiercely competitive world, are presented in one chapter by Tengku Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen and his co-author, Mahendhiran Nair.
Tengku Mohd Azzman headed Malaysia’s ICT R&D agency, MIMOS, for 21 years and was involved in setting up new ventures that introduced innovations arising from technology. Tan Sri Dato’ Gajaraj Dhanarajan, Vice-Chancellor of Wawasan Open University, Penang, a leading world expert in open distance learning and also a contributor to DirAP, says “As we look ahead to the future of technology-supported learning in the Asia Pacific region, the challenge will not be the availability, cost, maintenance and versatility of technologies.
Rather, the challenge will be about the capabilities, capacities, imagination, and aspirations of our institutions of learning and pedagogues to use technologies to their full potential”. DirAP is published jointly by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Orbicom, Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communications.
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