Indonesia, Jakarta
UNESCO Chair on Communication and Sustainable Development
Description and Mandate of the Chair
The Chair aims to undertake sustained research into how communication influences sustainable development, particularly given the near lack of research data on this subject in Indonesia and other parts of the developing world.
Andi Faisal Bakti was awarded a Master’s by McGill University in 1993, and a Ph. D. by the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) in 1998, and conducted post-doctoral research in communications at McGill University in 1998-2000, while teaching at the Department of East Asian Studies at same university. These studies were granted by CIDA, SSHRC, and FCAR scholarships. He taught in University of Victoria, Canada in 2000-2001.
He is dean of the Faculty of Communication Universitas Pancasila Jakarta 2009-present, and professor at the Faculty of Dakwah and Communication, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta since 2005 and Universitas Indonesia since 2007.
He has held research fellowships at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) in 2001-2004, and Koninklijk Institute voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KTLV)– Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies), in 2004-2005.
He then was appointed fellow at the Oxford University, UK in 2005; Asian Scholarship Foundation (Thailand) in 2006-2007; SEASREP (Philippines) in 2008, and Asian Public Intellectuals (Japan) in 2009. His research interests include religious/cultural communication, civil society, good governance, regional autonomy, development, Family Planning and Welfare, and human rights.
Among his publications are: “God governance in Islam,” in: Islam, negara dan civil society [Islam, state, and civil society] (2005), “Paramadina and its approach to culture and communication; An engagement in civil society,” in: Archipel (Paris, 2004), and “Collective memories of the Qahhar movement,” in: Beginning to remember (California, 2005), “Paramadina and Civil Society” in Brill (Leiden, 2005).
Report of the UNESCO Chair in Communication and Sustainable Development (COSDEV), 2020-2022
(UNESCO No. 2016ID1180)
(Ver. 03-2023)
Chair Holder
Prof. Andi Faisal Bakti
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair on Communication and Sustainable Development
Dean of the Faculty of Communication
Professor, Vice Rector for Cooperation
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
University of Pancasila
Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: (+62) 81 76 01 90 04
andi.faisal@uinjkt.ac.id *
amfabak@gmail.com *