Abojamea, Muna Eid
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About / À propos / Acerca de
Professional Objective(s): The aim is to establish the concept of creativity and innovation in the media content industry by creating content and media discourse that suits the political, economic and social stage in Jordan in particular and the regional region in general, focusing on sustainable development issues and benefiting from the advantages of digital media. The media system and other systems in society are as important as they may be. To create a knowledge accumulation that contributes to the development of members of Jordanian society.
This is the basis for academic and professional activity, both in teaching and training students, in current and future research and studies, or in the book I am writing.
(Ver. PBe 02-2023)
Ms. Prof. Muna Eid Abojamea, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Journalism & Mass Communication
Faculty of Media
Zarqa University
Zarqa, Jordan
Tel.: (+_) _
mabojamea@gmail.com *
Twitter: @_
LinkedIn: _