Berger, Guy
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About / À propos
Prof Berger’s commitment as a South African long engaged in democratic media activities has shaped his experiences in journalism and media training.
He joined UNESCO in 2011 as Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development, subsequently becoming Director for Strategies and Policies in the field of Communication and Information. At UNESCO, Berger has overseen a range of work on press freedom, digital developments, safety of journalists, media and information literacy and access to information.
Prior to joining UNESCO he published almost 50 books and/or chapters in books, and delivered more than 200 public presentations. He also wrote 300 fortnightly columns for the website of South Africa’s leading independent paper, the Mail & Guardian.
Jailed as a political prisoner in South Africa (1980-1983), he was later forced into exile (1985-1990). He has worked in newspapers, magazines and television, and as a trainer in mainstream and community media. Recognition of his contribution has come in him having served on the boards of media-related organisations, and in his contributions to the South African National Editors Forum (SANEF) over many years. SANEF’s Nat Nakasa Award for integrity on journalism was bestowed on him in 2006.
From 1994-2011, Berger led a process of major expansion at the School of Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University, including a new building in 2006, setting up numerous outreach projects, and the successful hosting of the World Journalism Education Congress in July 2010.
(Ver. 09-2022)
Guy Berger
Director for Strategies and Policies in the field of Communication and Information
Directeur pour les stratégies et politiques en matière de communication et d’information
Paris, France
Tel.: (+33) 01 45 68 42 03
Twitter: @guyberger