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Brown, Emily-May

  • 1756

About / À propos

Emily May Brown served as Head of the Department Media Technology at the Polytechnic of Namibia. This position involved teaching subjects such as Communication and the Law; Media Advertising Strategies; Information Gathering and Writing for the Media and Public Relations. However, this position also entails being involved in curriculum development activities, presentation of papers and the writing of proposals, conducting research and maintaining contact with the Department’s development partners.

Since commencement of duty at the Polytechnic in March 1992, Ms Brown has been active not only in academe but also the administrative side of the institution. For example, apart from holding the positions of Head of Department and Dean, she was also seconded to a brand new Department as Manager: Institutional Development and Fundraising.

Prior to the Polytechnic, Ms Brown held the position of Communication Manager at the Urban Foundation in Cape Town. This position entailed devising communication strategies, compiling internal and external communication policies, initiating and editing the organisation‟s first newsletter and maintaining contact with donors.

In 1986 Ms Brown was awarded the Fulbright Scholarship to pursue a MSc. Degree in Journalism/Mass Comm., in Iowa, USA. While a student in the USA she was initiated into the Honours Society for having maintained academic excellence, i.e. for maintaining an A-aggregate.

(Ver. 01-2023)

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