Chine, Abdelkrim
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About / À propos / Acerca de
Dr. Abdelkrim Chine, Ph.D. is professor in Information and Communication, at the University of El-Oued, Algeria. He teaches…
- Methodology
- Theories of Information and Communication Sciences
- Graduation Thesis
- Research Methods and Techniques
- Approaches to Information and Communication Sciences Research
- Introduction to Information and Communication Sciences
- Media, Radio and Television Programming
- Radio and Television Audience
(Ver. 07-2022)
Prof. Dr. Abdelkrim Chine, Ph.D.
Professor Information and Communication
Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences
Université d’El-Oued
El-Oued, Algérie
Tel.: (+213) 554 213 093 * *
Twitter: @_