Darmawan, Deni
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About / À propos
Deni Darmawan is a Professor with the Highest Hi-Index, 88 and Totally Citation 11952 on Google Scholar of all professors in the Indonesian Education University. In 2021 until now has been ranked first in the field of Bio-communication Through ICT Implementation from ADScientific Index 2023 information can be accessed at https://www.adscientificindex.com/? con=&country_code =id . 2022 Get the first rank from a professor at UPI for the same. In University Level he is as The First Rank in Educational Research Bio-communication and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Big Data Digital Management. In 2021 Have the new Intellectual Property Rights Oriented Products about Virtual Community Digital Learning Nusantara (VCDLN) from the Ministry of Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. In October,20-21 2022 he publish the Database of VCDLN-TVUPI and Developed of Super-App Mobile VCDLN-Learning version 1.1., and has presented in Vancouver Canada and October 28-29, 2022 in University of Quebec Montreal. The Last presented of VCDLN he take in November 9-11, 2022 at National University of Villa Maria (UNVM-Argentina).
Currently, he is a Lecturer at the Department of Communication Science at the University of Education of Indonesia, with expertise in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC), Development of Communication Technology Bio-communication. Since 2013 in Mexico at the Orbicom Conference, he has contributed research papers, until now as an active Orbicom member. In 2021, 2022, and 2003, Deni Darmawan have Highest Researcher and innovator Awards from Ministry of Education Culture and Research Technology of Republic Indonesia. Since 2019, his expertise has been in Communication Technology for education and Culture in developing information system technology networks and Long Distance Network Television Technology. Most of his international research is in the field of Information and Communication Technology for education and Communication science. In 2018 he was selected as the First Rank Outstanding Lecturer in the Faculty of Education. He have written 20 articles with reputable international publications indexed by Scopus have been published with Hi-5 in Scopus Preview-Elsevier publication. He has written 18 international books and 35 National books. Currently, Deni is one of the reviewers of the publisher Web of Science; Springer and Pablon Publisher. Now, Deni is also active as a reviewer for several international journals indexed by Scopus, including IJAER; SAGE; International Journal Computer Science; ASTES; iJIM; and John Wiley International Journal Publisher; Springer and Clarivate and Pablon. Currently, Deni manage and becomes a reviewer for several national journals: Journal of Human Relations « Gunahumas, » Educational Technology; Pedagogy; Journal of Instructional Technology; Development Communication; Communication Studies; Journal of Educational Communication Technology at the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia; Education Policy in The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia; Kwangsan Journal of Media Communication Technology at the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia has obtained the Rank of Indonesian Scientists at position 216 out of 626 Indonesian scientists. Currently, the Ministry of Education’s SINTA score is 1313.5. i10-Index on Google Scholar of 93. Scopus Document 20 and Scopus Index- 5. Famous research in 2018-2019, professor Deni developed the Integrated Communication Laboratory Simulator Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 prototype, the prototype was presented at Tsuru University, Japan and Yunani.
(Ver. 04-2023)
Prof. Dr. Deni Darmawan, S.Pd., M.Si., M.Kom., MCE
Professor of Educational Communication and Technology
Faculty of Education
Universitas Pendidikan
Bandung, Indonesia
Tel.: (+62) 20 13 163
Tel. (Faculty of Education): (+62) 22 00 00 21
Mobile: (+62) 81 32 03 41 199
deni_darmawan@upi.edu *
Twitter: @DeniDar95599281