Gomaa Megahed, Ehab Hamdi
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About / À propos / Acerca de
I believe in the importance of the interdisciplinary approach in mass communication research, I believe in the importance of the cultural context through which communication takes place.
I’m interested in the theme of Digital citizenship and Digital public spaces and my PhD focused on using social media to promote civic education. I’m also interested in Infodemia and media education and fake news.
I’m also interested in researching the social effects of communication technology innovation (how media culture changes in response to the introduction of new technologies). In pursuit of how such technology affects the processes of communication production, I have presented several papers on how digital technology is changing the practice of journalism, how digital technology is changing the scholarship of mass media inquiry, and how journalism coverage shapes technology adoption. One of my research published in journal of communication titled: Framing the Egyptian Uprising in Arabic Language Newspapers and Social Media was focusing on the role of social media in what is so-called Arab spring, the Findings point toward the potential roles that new media will play in shaping public opinion and demonstrate why social media have wide appeal in times of political crisis.
My research titled: Discourses of Power and the Power of Discourse: The Shifting Rhetoric of Activism, Legitimacy, and Self-Representation in the Egyptian Revolution in 2017 is the newest effort in this filed, in this research I have approached the three major political players in the contemporary Egyptian political scene, have been constantly engaging in a dynamic power struggle, before, during, and after the eruption of the Egyptian revolution of 2011. At the heart of this power struggle lies a parallel rhetorical struggle to win the hearts and minds of the Egyptian
people, through framing unique images and crafting distinctive narratives and counter narratives about the “Self” and the “Other,” to assert their legitimacy, boost their credibility, polish their images, broaden their outreach, strengthen their impact, and aid their multiple forms of activism. The channels of communication through which these rhetorical battles have been taking place, whether online or offline; the tools which were effectively deployed in these rhetorical struggles, such as mockery, sarcasm, and humor. The research gave me more confidence about the role of social media and its impact specially on Arab youth.
A new endeavor in this filed also is to shed light on the use of social media in countering terrorism, my research titled: Terrorism and Arab Satellite Channels Case study of the characters and narratives used in reporting the activities of “ISIS” Terrorists use different types of media in variety of ways to generate publicity and draw attention to their cause. This study analyzes on the relationship between terrorism and broadcast media through analyzing the content of a sample of news reports from two main Arab satellite channels (Aljazeera and Al-Arabiya).
A second angle of my research agenda considers the Arab, we are living during a very exciting time, in a world which is changing rapidly, especially the media landscape. My Book titled: Current Issues in Mass Communication: Political Satire, Egypt, Gender, Social Media, Islam and more introduced five analytical and field studies that cover diverse media and mass communication issues in Egypt. The first study is about Political satire content on social networks and its impact on civic engagement of the Egyptian University Students. The second study is about Palestine Issue in the Arabic Blogs using content analysis. the third study is an attempt to shed light on the female journalists in Egypt and is based on a descriptive analysis of data collected via questionnaires. the Fourth study is about Egyptian Online Journalism Coverage of Corruption. The Fifth study is about Islam and the West which focus on the cultivation effects of exposure to Amr Khaled TV shows on the Perceptions of university students. The book represent new addition for understanding the middle eastern media landscape.
A third approach of my research agenda considers how the framing of public controversies in popular media shapes ideological discourse. The work I produced on technology and social
media led to a further exploration into how media portray such controversies, as well as controversies involving race, gender, class and cultural conflict. In this way my book titled: Breaking The Silence: Media Framing of Darfur Crisis: Framing Analysis of Videoblogs and Sudanese Newspapers coverage for the conflict in Darfur Sudan analyze the media coverage of the conflict in Darfur, Sudan and how it was framed in both the Sudanese newspapers and the social media.
Adopting the interdisciplinary approach in mass communication research made me use my sociological background and my previous work on the sociology of schools and higher education to work on a book titled: Keys to the Arab future: Civic education, technology, and active citizenship
The book aims to develop a future scenario for the integration of digital video techniques in the field of civic education by focusing on the growing numbers of users of video sharing sites to strengthen teaching and learning opportunities among young users of different ages. The study focused also on promoting values of citizenship among students to achieve participation and interest in community issues.
My research agenda continually seeks to consider the politics of content production alongside the shifting modes of reception with the hope of analyzing the new contexts and processes that influence the public opinion in the Arab world.
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(Ver. 10-2022)