Holma, Baiba

About / À propos / Acerca de

The main academic interests are related to the following areas of information and library science: knowledge organization, information search in information search systems; information literacy, digital and media literacy, digital collections; informational behavior, information service innovations, design thinking.

In recent years, she has participated in both national (state research programs, etc., Life skills and information literacy (2016)) and international research projects (e.g. BIBLIO (2019 – ), DIDEL (Daily innovators and daily educators) (2015 – 2018)) on skills and literacy (information literacy, digital literacy, media literacy), about the skills librarians lack and the development of learning materials for learning new skills (Educational package “Daily Innovators and Daily Educators in the Libraries”).

Developed and defended doctoral thesis “Linguistic aspects of knowledge organization” (2006).

Taught study courses

  • Organization of knowledge:
  • Information sources and search
  • Introduction to Information Science
  • Information services and centers
  • Digital libraries and repositories
  • Information search languages
  • Theories of information science and library science
  • Theories of information search and retrieval
  • Digital libraries

(Ver. 11-2022)


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