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Iouchkiavitchious, Henrikas

  • 2000

About / À propos

Mr. Iouchkiavitchious Henrikas is an Adviser to the Director General at UNESCO since 1990.

Began his career at the Lithuanian Television Centre (1958-60), the Director of the Technological Department of the Lithuanian television and radio broadcasting infrastructure. At the same time carried on journalistic activities.

From 1966 to 71, Director of the Technical Centre at the International Radio and Television Organization (OIRT – Television) with headquarters in Prague. In this capacity, Mr Yushkiavitshus developed television news exchange between television organizations of Intervision and Eurovision. As a member of the Eurovision and Intervision Operations Group and a member of the Television Commission of the International Olympic Committee, from 1968 (Mexico Olympic Games) onwards, he was instrumental in providing worldwide television and radio coverage of the Olympic Games. For this work he was awarded the Silver Order of the International Olympic Committee.

From 1971 to 1990, Vice-Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting; at the same time Chairman of the Interministerial Committee for Satellite Communication. In this capacity, participated in the development of programme and technological conceptions, was responsible for the television and radio coverage of the Moscow Olympic Games. For all this work he was decorated with national and international awards; State Prize of the USSR, EMMY Directorate Award for the USA National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Order of the Red Banner (USSR) for his contribution to the Appollo-Soyuz space flight, Two Orders of Honour (USSR), the Order of Friendship (Russian Federation) and the Order of Gediminas (Lithuania).

(Ver. PBe 09-2022)

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