Kiai, Wambui
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About / À propos
Wambui Kiai is the Director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, with vast training and research experience, in the areas of HIV/AIDS Communication, Gender and Socio-legal issues, Broadcasting, Peace and Communication and Specialised Writing.
One of her most notable research works (with Ruth Nduati) was published by the International Development Research Center (IDRC)-Ottawa office and is titled “Communicating with Adolescents on HIV/AIDS: Experiences from Eastern and Southern Africa. This is a reference book for 2nd year undergraduate Anthropology students at the University of Nairobi.
Her other significant publications are Understanding Environmental Communication (Co-Editor, a resource text for students of the Postgraduate Diploma on Environmental Reporting at Makerere University and two chapters to Understanding Conflict and Its Management, a training manual for local managers of conflict situations.
She co-authored a chapter in Women Empowering Communication, a resource book for the international conference on Women and Communication held in Manila, 1994, and was the Principal researcher in a project that resulted in the publication of “The Challenges of Communicating with Female Adolescents: A Case Study of Kenya in Gender and HIV/AIDS in Africa”, AAWORD-Dakar (2003).
Director, School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Tel.: (+254) 204 910 000
wkiai@uonbi.ac.ke *
wkiai@peterson.co.ke *
kiaiwambui@gmail.com *