Lester, Elizabeth (Libby)
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About / À propos / Acerca de
Libby Lester is Director of the Institute for Social Change and Professor of Journalism, Media and Communications in the College of Arts, Law and Education at the University of Tasmania.
Her research appears in leading international journals, including Media, Culture & Society, International Communication Gazette, Journalism, Forestry, International Journal of Communication, Environmental Policy and Governance, and International Journal of Press/Politics.
Informations from… Website at the university
(Ver. 07-2023)
Ms. Professor Elizabeth (Libby) Lester
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Communication, Environment and Heritage
Director, Institute for Social Change
Professor of Journalism, Media and Communications
The Media School, Salamanca
College of Arts, Law and Education
University of Tasmania
Hobart (Tasmania)
Tel.: (+61) 3 6226 7542
Tel.: (+61) 419 527 237
elizabeth.lester@utas.edu.au *
Twitter: @lester_tas
Web Site of the Chair
Web Page of Prof. E. Lester