Mustafa Sadig, Abbas

About / Acerca de / À propos

Journalist, media researcher and teacher, since 1984. I am acting as a Chief editor, at the International Center for Strategic Studies, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Before that I worked as a Sr. Planner, Abu Dhabi TV. till Oct. 4, 2020.

My research interests are current developments in the areas of new media, especially the ongoing transition from digitization to artificial intelligence. I have participated in many conferences and discussions, and I have published 10 books in this field, the most important of which are:

  1. Internet Journalism, published in Abu Dhabi. 2004.
  2. Computer Assisted Reporting, published in Lebanon, 2006.
  3. Internet and scientific research, published in Abu Dhabi, UAE 2007.
  4. New Media, published in Amman 2008.
  5. Media and Virtual Reality, published in Cairo, Egypt, 2018.
  6. UAE Media, General features, and digital innovations. Published in Dubai, UAE, 2020.

(Ver. 07-2022)


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