Nagaraj, Krishnapuram Venugopal
- 1909
- 0
About / À propos
Has maintained professional links with media men and fellow academicians in India and abroad as well. A media literacy programme is launched in the district of South Canara. Was a member of the General Council and the Executive Council of the Karnataka Press Academy and also of its Publication Committee. An observer of the Press Council of India on media performance during the parlimentary elections of 1996.
Heads the Public Relations Group of Mangalore University. Was a member of the Panel on Mass Communication and Journalism of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi (1992-94). Organising workshops and seminars on Public Relations, Mass Communication and Science Communication. Conducting media surveys. Currently implementing a book writing project commissioned by National Council of Science and Technology Communication, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Ereelance Broadcaster.
Co-Editor of the Indian Journal of Communication (being revived)
Professor, Mizoram University
Professor & Chairman
Tel.: (91 0824) 22 873 82