Nahon-Serfaty, Isaac
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À propos
From LinkedIn:
Isaac Nahon-Serfaty is Associate Professor and former Chair of the Department of Communication at University of Ottawa, Canada. He is a researcher, practitioner and consultant in public affairs, public relations, health communication and journalism, working mainly in Latin America, the United States and Canada. Prior to joining the University of Ottawa, he was the Healthcare Practice Chair for Latin America at the public relations firm Burson-Marsteller, where he developed and conducted campaigns and communication programs in areas such as women’s reproductive health, breast cancer, cardiovascular diseases, pain management, mental health, HIV-AIDS, diabetes, nutrition and obesity. His current research is focused on two main areas: the role of the transparently grotesque in public communication, and the development of a non-strategic approach to institutional communication and corporate social responsibility. He co-wrote the novel Splendor’s Intrigue with Meir Magar (originally in Spanish La conjura del esplendor).
From U. Ottawa Website:
My current research program is focused on public discourses on health and their impact on perceptions and social representations about different conditions and illnesses. I am particularly interested in studying the fragmentation of the discourses about some conditions such as diabetes and cancer and the way these fragmented discourses are affecting the relationship between providers and patients and the decision-making process regarding diagnosis and treatment.
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of
Ottawa (2007 – Current)
Healthcare Practice Chair for Latin America, Public
Relations agency Burson-Marsteller (1998-2007)
Chair, Escuela de Comunicación Social, Universidad Católica
Andrés Bello (1993-1995)
Assistant Professor, Escuela de Comunicación Social, Universidad
Católica Andrés Bello (1990-2000)
Manager of the Media Analysis Unit at the media corporation
Empresas 1BC, Venezuela (1989-1991)
Editor weekly newspaper Nuevo Mundo Israelita, Venezuela
Fields of interest
* Health Communication
* Public Relations and Institutional Communication
* International Communications
* Discourse and Public Policy
Associate Professor and Director
Department of Communication
Faculty of Arts
University of Ottawa