Obonyo, Levi

  • 2158

About / À propos

Levi Obonyo is an Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies, and Dean of the School of Communication at Daystar University.

He started his career as a news correspondent and wrote for magazines before joining academia.  A graduate of Messiah College, Wheaton Graduate School and Temple University he has taught media studies at several institutions.

He has also been involved in media regulation and policy formulation in Kenya.  Until recently he served as the Chairman of the Media Council of Kenya.

Currently, he serves as a member of the Advisory Council to Kenya National Commission to UNESCO (KNATCOM) specializing in communication.  He has and continues to serve in several boards including the Communications Authority of Kenya.  He is a columnist, has published a range of articles and co-authored Journalists and the rule of law.

Prof Obonyo’s research interests include history of the African media, history of cartooning in Africa, media policy and regulation among others.

(Ver. 01-2022)

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