Rivera, Francisca Fariña
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About / À propos / Acerca de
Ms. Prof. Francisca Fariña Rivera graduated in 1986, in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, in the Psychology Section, from the University of Santiago de Compostela. She received her Ph.D. in Psychology from the same university in 1990. Since 1990 she has been a professor at the University of Vigo, obtaining her chair in Basic Psychology and Legal Psychology of Minors in 2003.
She is the Principal Researcher of the PS1 Group (Legal Psychology) of the University of Vigo. She has published 46 books and manuals, more than 150 chapters, in national and international publishing houses; she has written 89 scientific articles, and has participated in multiple congresses in which she has presented more than 200 papers and given more than 50 lectures.
She is associate editor of the journals The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context (Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science of Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports, Revista de Investigación en Educación (Indexed in Web of Science of Thomson Reuters) and Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud (Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science of Thomson Reuters); she is also member of the Editorial Board and/or reviewer of 15 national and international journals. She has participated in more than 20 research projects, 10 of them as principal investigator, and is a member of an interuniversity group that obtained funding in more than 30 R&D contracts and agreements.
From her research work derived different procedures and protocols of action frequently used in the judicial experts and intervention programs such as the “Programa Ruptura de Pareja, no de Familia” and “Programa Galicia de Reeducación de Maltratadores”. Coordinator of the services of “Intrajudicial Mediation of Pontevedra and Vigo”. Among others, she received the following awards and recognitions for her work: III and II Prize in the call for the National Awards for Educational Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, in 2003 and 2004 respectively. She is founder and member of the Board of Directors of the University Society for Research in Psychology and Health and of the Spanish Society of Legal and Forensic Psychology; she is also president of the Iberoamerican Association of Therapeutic Justice.
Curriculum vitae
In ResearchGate
In Google Scholar
(Ver. PBe 09-2023)
Prof. Dra. Francisca Fariña Rivera
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair on Transformative Education: Science, Communication and Society
Faculty of Education Sciences
University of Vigo
Vigo, Spain
Tel.: (+34) 986 801 708
francisca@uvigo.es *
Twitter: @_
Web Site of Prof.
Web Site of the Chair