Rutherford Iglesias, Bianca

  • 2015

about / Acerca de / À propos

Currently Ph.D. student in Information and Communication Sciences at Grenoble Alpes University and member of the research center GRESEC, I’m also Researcher at the ITEN (Innovation, Transmission and Digital Editions) UNESCO Chair, Lecturer in ” Sciences and Technology Studies ” in the International Master ” Political Ideas in a Digital Age ” (CY Cergy Paris University) and Researcher Member of the international network of UNESCO Chairs in communication ORBICOM.

I’m Graduated in Journalism and holder of an European Master’s degree in Multimedia Project Management from the INA (National Audiovisual Institute, France) and the MEDIA european commission programme. I also hold a DEA in Journalism from the University of Málaga (Spain).

I have more than fifteen years of experience in the international and academic environment as well as in the Communication and Digital sector. Among the most significant professional experiences of my career I worked as Research Coordinator at the FMSH (Fondation Maison Sciences de l’Homme), Head of International Relations at Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France) or General Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Communication of the University of Málaga (Spain) or Business Development Manager for the american research market institute Harris Interactive (Paris). Particularly sensitive to the defense of endangered indigenous cultures and in line with the UNESCO philosophy, I was able to collaborate as a volunteer Development Officer for the French NGO, UNESCO partner and defender of oral traditions at risk in the world, Conversations du Monde. I also held positions of European Project Manager at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France) and Research Officer for the Law and Political Sciences research centers from the Faculty of Law of this same university : DANTE, VIP and CESDIP.

Curriculum vitae

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