Saad, Saad

About / À propos / Acerca de

Dr. Saad Saad works in the field of Digital transformation, data journalism and artificial intelligence.

Recent publications – He has published 24 books in the field of media and media technology, the most important of which are:

  • Digital journalism from multimedia to artificial intelligence
  • Data journalism from the authority of the text to the authority of statistics and infographics
  • Electronic journalism, mobile journalism and social networks
  • New Transformations in the Field of Media Teaching
  • Journalism editing in radio, television and the Internet
  • The press photo, a semiological study

He has many researches published in international refereed scientific journals.  He worked as an editor-in-chief and journalist in several media organizations.  He presented several specialized training courses in the field of media and communication technology.

In ResearchGate

Curriculum Vitae

(Ver. 08-2022)

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