Toledano, Margalit

  • 1972

About / À propos

Dr. Margalit Toledano, APR, Fellow PRSA, PRINZ lectures in Management Communication and Public Relations at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.

Inducted to the College of Fellows of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) in 2007 and to the Public Relations Institute of New Zealand (PRINZ) in 2012, she practiced PR for over 20 years and served as President of the Israeli Public Relations Association from 1993-1996.

Her academic work has appeared in leading PR journals, and Routledge published her co-authored book, Public Relations and Nation Building: Influencing Israel (2013) and her co-edited book, International Public Relations: Perspectives from Deeply Divided Societies (2016). Her Book chapter in this later book “Dialogue with the enemy: Lessons for public relations on dialogue facilitation drawn from the Israeli – Palestinian conflict” analyses the contribution of Mr Alain Modoux, who at the time was UNESCO’s Head of the Unit for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace” (and later UNESCO’s Assistant Director General), to a process of dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian journalists in 1998. Mr. Modoux’s experience as an effective moderator provided insight into the process of dialogues between antagonistic groups.

Dr. Toledano’s research focuses on issues of professional ethics, dialogue and dialogue facilitation, public relations history, activism, the impact of social media on professional communicators as well as topics related to public relations law and ethics.


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