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Zlateva, Minka

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About / À propos

Prof. Minka Zlateva is Ph.D. (Dr.rer.pol.) of University of Leipzig (Germany) and Professor (since July 2010 Prof. Emerita) on Journalism and Public Relations at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication (FJMC) of the University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski.

Author of 12 academic courses on Journalism, PR and Media Literacy in Bulgarian and German. Guest lecturer at 8 Bulgarian and 13 universities in Europe, Russia and the USA.

Author of 3 monographs and more then 140 articles in Bulgarian and foreign scientific journals and book summaries in East and West Europe, USA and China, of papers on more than 90 congresses and international conferences on public communication.

Editor and co-editor of 17 book summaries on public communication in Bulgarian and English.

The initiator, organizer for the creation and president of the regional network of chairs and experts on public communication in the Balkans – BALKANCOM (2008 – 2009)

Chair Holder of UNESCO Chair “Communication and Public Relations” of the FJMC of the University of Sofia St. Kliemnt Ohridski (2003-2006), member of Director’s Board of ORBICOM – World Net of UNESCO Chairs on Communication and Public Relations ( (2006-2008), faculty coordinator of the Program Socrates/Erasmus of the European Union for mobility of teachers and students (2000-2010).

Specializations: University of Leningrad /St. Petersburg (1983) , ”Johannes Gutenberg” University in Mainz, Germany (1998) and BBC – London (2005).

Expert on high education in the standing commission of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency by the Ministry Council of the Republic of Bulgaria (2003-2006).

Awards and distinctions:

  • Commemorative Medal “50 years Bulgaria in UNESCO” for personal contribution to the implementation of cooperation between the Republic of Bulgaria and UNESCO (2006).
  • Honorary tablet of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists for the monograph “Bridges to Consensus. Public relations, journalism and media : problem areas and conflict zones” (2008).
  • Honorary decoration with blue ribbon of the University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski (2009).
  • Diploma and Honorary decoration “Golden Pen” of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists for active teaching and scientific activity in the field of journalism (2012).
  • Certificate of Honorary Member of the Bulgarian Society for Public Relations (2015).
  • Honorary decoration 25 years Bulgarian Society of Public Relations: for personally contribution to evolution of communications in Bulgaria (2021).
  • Certificate for outstanding long-term achievements in the field of public communication and contribution to the development of the Chair  of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication (FJMC)  of the University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski (2022).
  • Honorary diploma and special distinction Plaque “Golden Feather” in the Annual Awards -2022 of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists for special services to Bulgarian journalism.

(Ver. 01-2023)

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