Spain, Barcelona (UAO)

UNESCO Chair on Peace, Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue


Description and Mandate of the Chair

Among the activities included in the program of action of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures, the internationalization of research is highlighted, specially to promote knowledge and understanding of the conditions that foster the rapprochement of cultures and the promotion of human rights.

In this line, the UNESCO Chair on Peace, Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue, which was created in 2017, shall promote the research with the purpose of analyzing the added value of peace as the first pillar of the United Nations and one of the main objectives of UNESCO. The positive notion of peace, which is connected to the promotion and protection of human rights and development, should become a living notion to be used by the different United Nations agencies and its specialized organizations on the field.


Development objective: contribution to overall development goals taking into consideration social, economic and cultural progress

  • To support the Program of Action of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures;
  • To analyze the peace programs elaborated by the entities of the United Nations;
  • To create networks and platforms based on multicultural programs with universities and civil society;
  • To support Sustainable Development Goalse.

Specific objectives

  • Design, implementation and monitoring of actions about social, economic and cultural projects;
  • Implementation of Educational Programs to implement the principles of Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Promotion of the principles of the peace program through publications and participation in international events;
  • Promotion of the principles of the peace program through strategies of communication and new technologies.

Ref. and more information at the Chair Website

(UNESCO No. 2017ES1224)
(Ver. PBe 03-2023)

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