Spain, Barcelone (InCom-UAB)
UNESCO Chair in Communication (InCom-UAB)
Description and Mandate of the Chair
The UNESCO Chair in Communication (InCom-UAB) was created in 1990 and it was the first of its kind worldwide to specialize in communication. The Chair is attached to the Institute of Communication at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (InCom-UAB). Currently our activity is focused on the following topics: education, technology, diversity, religions, health, gender and social cohesion.
Main projects underway
2022-2025: Social Polarization and Interculturality: Analyzing the engagement of migrant and native youth in current political issues from an intersectional perspective (PID2021-125032OB-I00): We propose to study the influence of media on social polarization processes in urban contexts where there are living people from different cultural backgrounds. Particularly, we aim to analyze how the youth (people aged 19 29), migrant and native, perceive and react to social polarization based on the analysis of their engagement of current political issues, as well as identify the factors that strengthen the development of social radicalization. We will deal with engagement in general current political issues and this general approach will be complemented with a more focused analysis on the engagement in three topics: the arrival of migrant and refugee people, the labor market, and LGBT inclusion.
2022: The Chinese community in the face of hate speech during the Covid-19 pandemic (ICI01521_00001/2021): Funded by International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP), project try to understand how was affected Chinese Community in Catalonia during Covid-19, specially all the matters related to online hate speech.
2021-2023: Brazil-Spain Dialogue for teaching innovation in inclusive communication (FSXXXVIII-FS07 / XXXVI): Project carried out in collaboration with ESPM (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing) – São Paulo / Brazil, which has received a grant from the Fundació Autònoma Solidària. The objective is to contribute to the training of future communicators (journalism, advertising…) in inclusive communication from action research developed in Brazil and Spain in a dialogic way. With a transnational and intersectional perspective, problems related to: migration, refugees, indigenous communities and gender expressions (LGTBI +) will be addressed.
Recent Publications (Selection)
Navarro, Celina; Peres-Neto, Luiz (2023) “Hair for Freedom” Movement in Iran: Interreligious Dialogue in Social Media Activism? Religions, 14, 602.
Huertas Bailén, Amparo (2021). «La investigación en comunicación: Proceso creativo y compromiso social». En García-Jiménez, L.; Torrado-Morales, S. y Sánchez-Soriano, J.J.: Pensar la comunicación desde las periferias. Editorial Comunicación Social. ISBN: 978-84-17600-38-9, Pág. 147-168.
Huertas Bailén, Amparo (2021): «Teorías y modos de pensar las audiencias». En Natalia Quintas-Froufe y Ana González-Neira (coords.): Los estudios de audiencia. De la tradición a la innovación. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa. ISBN: 978-84-18525-87-2, pág. 21-42.
Huertas Bailén, Amparo (2020): “Interreligious Dialogue in Public Service Broadcasting. A Case Study in Catalonia (Spain)”. Religions 2020,11 (9), 441. ISSN 2077-1444.
Huertas-Bailén, Amparo; Terrón-Blanco, José-Luis (2020). “Pluralismo religioso en la televisión pública: estudio del caso catalán”. En: Comunicación y diversidad. Selección de comunicaciones del VII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación (AE-IC). Valencia, España.
Huertas Bailén, Amparo; Peres-Neto, Luiz (2020): “Migrantes que se autoproclaman autoridades discursivas: «¿Qué pasa en Venezuela?»”. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, núm. 124, abril, págs. 147–169.
Mohammed ElHajji, Denise Cogo & Amparo Huertas (eds.) (2020): Migraciones transnacionales, interculturalidad, políticas y comunicación. Institut de la Comunicació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-120344-8-6
Terrón Blanco, José Luis (2020): “Cómo representan las fotografías una pandemia”. ALAIC – Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación (vol. 19, núm. 35, septiembre-diciembre 2020), pág. 50-60. ISSN: 1807-3026.
Terrón, José Luis; Peñafiel, Carmen; Catalán, Daniel; Ramos Rodríguez, Mar, coords. (2021): Comunicación y promoción de la salud en la era digital. Madrid: Dykinson. ISBN: 978-84-1377-416-9. ISBN (e-book): 97884-1377-541-8.
Theodoro, Hadriel; Cogo, Denise; Huertas Bailén, Amparo (2020): “Dinámicas de (in)visibilidad en la migración LGTBIQ+: una cuestión comunicacional”. Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana – REMHU, vol. 28, núm. 59, págs. 113-131
Villaplana Ruiz, Virginia; León Olvera, Alejandra (eds.) (2022): #NetNarcocultura. Estudios de Género y Juventud en la sociedad red. Historia, discursos culturales y tendencias de consumo. InCom-UAB Publicacions, 24. Bellaterra: Institut de la Comunicació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84- 124136-0-1.
(UNESCO No. 1990ES0215)
(Ver. 07-2023)
Chair Holder
Sra. Prof. Amparo Huertas Bailén, Ph.D.
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Communication (InCom-UAB)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Barcelona, Catalunya
Tel.: (+34) 93 581 29 07 * * *
Twitter: @CatedraUNESCOC1
Twitter: @ahuertasbailen
Twitter: @incomuab