The National flag of Malaysia blowing in the wind in front of a clear blue sky

Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor

UNESCO Chair on Social Practices in Intercultural Communication and Social Cohesion


Description and Mandate of the Chair

Objectif de la chaire de recherche

Générer un récit scientifiquement informé sur l’état de la cohésion sociale en Malaisie au profit du grand public et en tant que fondement de la politique publique.

Recherches réalisées, en cours de réalisation et projetées dans un proche futur

a) Programmes de recherche complétés en cours (chronologie inversée)

  • 2023-2024 : Mise en œuvre du projet « Wild Indigenous Gardens » au sein d’un consortium de recherche-action rassemblant des universités et des communautés autochtones de Malaisie, du Vietnam, du Cambodge, de Thaïlande et des Philippines.
  • 2021-2022 : Enquête sur l’expérience du tourisme numérique pour le marché émetteur de l’Asie du Sud-Est à destination de l’Europe de l’Est.
  • 2019-2021 : Recherche pour la préparation de documents politiques sur l’unité nationale et la cohésion sociale pour le gouvernement malaisien :
    • Politique d’unité nationale,
    • Plan directeur pour l’unité nationale.
    • Plan d’action pour l’unité nationale : stratégie et mise en œuvre.
    • Indice d’unité nationale 2.0, 2021-2022
  • 2019-2021 : Achèvement de la plateforme en ligne d’éducation alimentaire « Ulam School », coparrainée par la Fondation Toyota et la Commission nationale malaisienne de l’UNESCO.
  • 2019-2021 : Documentation vidéo et ethnographique des rituels et des offrandes alimentaires des « aliments sacrés » associés au festival Wangkang de la communauté peranakan-chinoise de Melaka, en Malaisie.
  • 2020-2021 : Achèvement de l’enquête d’évaluation de l’impact social de l’étude de faisabilité et du plan de mise en œuvre pour le développement du pôle logistique, aérospatial et manufacturier de Sidam dans la région économique du Corridor Nord.

Publications réalisées, en cours de rédaction (articles, livres, chapitres de livres, etc.)

  • Articles dans des revues scientifiques

Olmedo, E. 2023. L’expérience touristique à l’ère numérique. Conceptualisation du parcours de consommation d’une application mobile pour voyageur solo. Journal tic&société. Numéro spécial « Transformation Numérique et Durable des Mobilités. » Olmedo, E. Feraille, M., Definah A. H. et al., Vol. 16 (1), Mis en ligne le 15 avril 2023 : Consultable sur DOI:

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. 2022. Conceptualizing the Malay World: Colonialism and Pan-Malay Identity in Malaya by Naoki Soda (review). Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 37(3): 550-553.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. 2021. Identity, nationhood and state-building in Malaysia by KJ Ratnam. SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 36(1): 182 – 184.

Kartini Aboo Talib @ Khalid & Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. 2020. Cultural diversity in Malaysia and the reconciliation for integration. Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies 47(3): 308 – 331.

Shada Bokir. 2020. Identity Experiments in works by two Female Photographers of Yemeni Women, Akademika, Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 90, (3), 2020, 3: 13. Shada Bokir (main author), Ruzy Suliza Hashim, Anita Harris Satkunananthan, Eric Olmedo.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. 2019. Remembering Dr Kosaku Yoshino. Nations and Nationalism 25: 1127 – 1130.

Olmedo, E., 2019.The Halal Canopy: Social Inclusiveness and Discrimination in Greater Kuala Lumpur, in Yves Théorêt & Walter Neira Bronttis (eds), Communication, City and Public Space, Le Réseau International des Chaires UNESCO en Communication ORBICOM, Paris: Editions l’Immatériel, April 2019, 378:402. Co-authored with Anisha Chai.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. 2019. Enhancing Inter Ethnic Relations in Malaysia : Personal Observations on the ‘Inter-ethnic Module’ in Public Universities. IAIS Occasional Paper Series 5. Kuala: Lumpur: International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies.

  • Livres et chapitres de livres

Olmedo E. (2021), Indigeneity and Food: Politics, Transnationalism & Social Inclusion, Bangi: The National University of Malaysia Press. In Press. May 2021. Co-edited with Rachel Chan Suet Kay:

Eco-anthropological tools to improve food self-sufficiency through the use of wild edible plants in Schübel, H. & Wallimann-Helmer (EDS.), 2021, Justice and Food Security in a Changing Climate, Wageningen (NE): Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 164-169.

“Transecting Ayurveda: Testing the Appeal of Alternative Food Medicine to Combat Lifestyle Disorders in Malaysia”, in Eric Olmedo & Rachel Suet Kay (eds.), Indigeneity and Food: Politics, Transnationalism & Social Inclusion, Bangi: The National University of Malaysia Press. February 2021.

“Cultural Embeddedness and Informal Hospitality as Strategies to Promote National Cuisine: Lessons from Georgia”, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Food and Society. Bangi: KITA-UKM Press, March 2019, pp. 333-343.

Conférences passées et à venir

  • À venir

4th Food and Society Conference:
Conference chairman: Eric Olmedo

  • Passées

Orbicom Conference: “Digitizing Intercultural Communication: Alienation versus Humanism in Social Spaces and Media“, June 7-9, 2023 at Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. Conference chairman: Eric Olmedo.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. Redefining National Unity: social cohesion and its principle of ‘agree to agree, agree to disagree’. Dialogue Session. Organized by MySDG Academy and ISIS Malaysia. 26 January 2023.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. Malaysia studies: the game changer. 2022. Keynote International Conference GMSN@KITA-UKM. Organized by GMSN@KITA-UKM. 27 June 2022.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin Nation-branding & cultural diplomacy: a dialogue & exploring ideas. 2022. Organized by Razak School of Government, Cyberjaya. 11 August.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin Social Cohesion: Moving beyond the frame of conflict and consensus. 2022. Lecture Series. Organized by Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin. 29 September 2022.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin Social Cohesion: Moving beyond the frame of conflict and consensus. 2022. Lecture Series Organized by Goethe University, Frankfurt. 30 September.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin Migration, mobility and the embedding process: the Nusantara Islam experience. 2022. 2nd International Conference on Social Politics. Organized by UNAS Jakarta, Indonesia. 26 October 2022.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin Social cohesion in the age of diversity: the Idea and policy challenge for Malaysia – 25th International Metropolis Conference Berlin 2022.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. 2021. Embracing new diversity and the challenges for global society. Virtual Forum, Society 5.0 Conference. Switzerland, 22-24 June 2021.

Eric Olmedo. Eco-anthropological tools to improve food self-sufficiency through the use of wild edible plants. EurSafe 2021, Fribourg, Switzerland (Online); co-presented with Ms. Lucie Benoit.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. 2021. Sociological imagination and the empowering of community. International Conference of Social Sciences and Management, UPM, Bintulu, 22 June 2021.

Eric Olmedo. March 2019: Being Peranakan: State of Research and State of Affairs. 3rd Food and Society Conference, La Sorbonne University, Paris, France.

Eric Olmedo & Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. May 2018: The Halal Canopy: Social Inclusiveness & Discrimination in Greater Kuala Lumpur. 7th International Meeting of UNESCO Chairs in Communication (ORBICOM), Universidad de Lima, Lima, Peru.

Articles d’opinion publiés dans les médias grand public

  • Presse quotidienne (auteur : Shamsul Amri Baharuddin)

Anwar setting wrong precedent in daughter appointment as adviser, say experts – News Strait Times (NST), 20/01/2023

Reuni Sekutu Lama (Reunion of Old Allies) – Tempo Jakarta, 08/01/2023

Scholars: Online Reaction Unlike Civil Elections Doesn’t Divide Us – Sin Chew Daily, 04/12/2022

Strange pacts on the cards – The Star, 18/11/2022

Possible wipeout? observers see no hope for Bersatu in GE15 –, 14/10/2022

BNs gamble: greater chance of win now with floods than next year, observers say – The Vibes, 11/10/2022

Saifuddin to attend programme to promote language and cultural diplomacy in Germany – New Street Times, 28/09/2022

Mahathir just want to stay relevant analysts say on Malay centric GTA – Sinar Daily, 05/08/2022

Divorce political style – The Star, 02/06/2022

Poster boy for M’sia’s reforms, experts share views on who and why it is crucial – Sinar Daily, 19/04/2022

Umno’s push for GE15 a matter of strategy, not integrity, says pundits – Sinar Daily, 18/04/2022

Despite suffering setbacks, Anwar still the most able to lead PKR, says pundits – Sinar Daily, 13/04/2022

Young and capable, Onn Hafiz ‘perfect choice’ for next Johor MB, say experts – Sinar Daily, 14/03/2022

2020. Urgent task of new National Unity Ministry. News Straits Times.

2020. Change simplistic understanding of unity Appreciate independence. BERNAMA.

2020. National Unity in the time of pandemic. The Star.

2020. Harmony, Unity Among Malaysian Intact Due to Rukun Negara. Borneo Post Online.

2019. Experts: reforms at the constitutional and societal level needed to improve national unity. Star Online

2019. Government Spent Millions Promoting Unity, says academic. The Malaysian Insight.

2019. One country three histories. The Star Online.

2019. Census data fuels racial politics, says don. FreeMalaysiaToday (FMT) News.

  • Télévision / radio

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin Zafrul dan Zuraida: A Tale of Two Parties – BFM 89.9 The Business Station

Formations dispensées (2019-2022)

BENIN – February 2021 to December 2022:
Eric Olmedo. Training and Curriculum development Engineer. 14 month-consultancy contract funded by the World Bank. Development of a portfolio of training programs accessible through continuing education in Tourism, Hospitality, and Food & Beverage as well as capacity building for 686 industry professionals currently in employment. 6 fieldworks scheduled throughout the assignment. Deliverables : (1) Core Competencies Guidelines, (2) Portfolio of courses; (3); Delivering training in Hygiene and Food Safety for Hospitality industry professionals.

VIETNAM: 2022 – On-going (since 2015):
Eric Olmedo. Project Manager. Jointly-designed the vocational training pathway from Diploma to bachelor’s degree, based on TVET framework, at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH), Saigon, Vietnam. Co-managing a bachelor’s degree in culinary arts and restaurant management, delocalized by CY Cergy-Paris University, France, at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH), Saigon, Vietnam. First intake took place in September 2016.

LESOTHO – December 2020 to July 2021:
Eric Olmedo. Principal Consultant and Team Leader. 8 month-consultancy-contract funded by the African Development Bank. Curriculum Development of Hospitality and Tourism Programs for the Government of Lesotho; part of the Economic Diversification Support Project funded by the African Development Bank. One (1) fieldwork has been scheduled throughout the 4 months’ contract for data collection. Deliverables: (1) Curriculum design and development of vocational courses (Diploma/Higher Diploma) based on TVET framework in hospitality and tourism as well as short courses for lifelong learning market.

LESOTHO – September 2019 to November 2020:
Eric Olmedo. Principal Consultant, Trainer and Team Leader. 14 month-consultancy-contract funded by the African Development Bank. Transaction Advisor for Tourism and Hospitality facilities to the Government of Lesotho; part of the Economic Diversification Support Project funded by the African Development Bank. Six (6) fieldworks have been scheduled throughout the 8 months’ contract for data collection. Deliverables: Feasibility Study for a National Training Centre of Excellence for Hospitality and Tourism sectors; (2) Implementation Plan.

Autres événements et réalisations

Documents d’orientation de politique publique

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin, Kartini Aboo Talib @ Khalid, Mohd Sobhi Ishak et Ahmad Zul Hakimi Hassim. 2021. Plan d’unité nationale 2021-2030. Ministère de l’Unité nationale.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin, Kartini Aboo Talib @ Khalid, Mohd Sobhi Ishak et Ahmad Zul Hakimi Hassim. 2021. Politique d’unité nationale. Ministère de l’Unité nationale.

Shamsul Amri Baharuddin, Kartini Aboo Talib @ Khalid, Mohd Sobhi Ishak et Ahmad Zul Hakimi Hassim. 2021. Plan d’action pour l’unité nationale 2021-2030. Ministère de l’Unité nationale.

Subventions obtenues / Grants

  • Eric Olmedo. November 2022- October 2024: International Grant Award by the Toyota Foundation (competitive bidding).
    • “Wild Indigenous Gardens”. In-Country Manager for Vietnam and Malaysia: manages a budget of 3,100,000 JPY.
  • Eric Olmedo. August 2021 – July 2022: Action-research funded by the UNESCO National Commission of Malaysia. Objective: producing comics books for children and teenagers to foster reading in pandemic times. Worth RM 18,000. Co-recipient.
  • Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. Development of Framework on Intercultural Musical Mobilities of Malaysian Popular Music (1970s to 1990s). Worth RM 80,000.
  • Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. A History of Integration, a Future of Unity: Developing a Framework on Interethnic Unisonance in Malaysian Patriotic Music. RM 84,000.
  • Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. Developing Framework of Historical Institutionalism Approach for Socio-Political Structure in Malaysia. RM 80,000.
  • Eric Olmedo. November 2018 – October 2020: International Grant Award by the Toyota Foundation (competitive bidding).
    • Theme: This transnational action-research aims at creating a food education network in Southeast Asia named “Ulam School” that fosters solidarity between neighbouring countries by mutual assistance in preserving edible flora and valuing traditional guardians of botanical knowledge personified by ethnic minorities in Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam. The word “Ulam” means “edible greens” in Malay language. Worth 7,200,000 JPY. Lead Researcher.
    • Project e-link:
  • Eric Olmedo. August 2018 – March 2020: “3-Tier Instrument for Selection and Placement in Aerospace Manufacturing in Malaysia”. Applied Research grant awarded by a consortium including AIRBUS, AMIC (Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre) and PROMETIL (French Tech company). Worth 373,000 MYR. Lead-Researcher.

Partenariats avec d’autres universités

  • Université des Hauts de France : co-publication d’articles scientifiques
  • University of Manchester : co-publication d’articles scientifiques
  • CY Cergy-Paris Université : délocalisation de formations au Vietnam et en Malaisie
  • Sciences Po Saint Germain-en-Laye : échange d’étudiants
  • Kyoto University : recherche action dans la zone Asie-Pacifique
  • Universidade de Brasilia : échanges de post doctorants

Co-Chair Holder

In English

Distinguished Professor Shamsul Amri Baharuddin

He spent over 30 years researching, writing and lecturing on the theme “politics, culture & economic development “in Southeast Asia, with an empirical focus on Malaysia and Indonesia. His essays & books have become standard references in Australia, Japan, the UK, Sweden & USA on courses on politics & culture of Southeast Asia. His essay/concept “nations-of-intent” (1996) has been well-received by scholars of Southeast Asian Studies as an alternative to that of Ben Anderson’s “imagined communities” (1983) [see, Norman G. Owen, ed., The Emergence of Modern Southeast Asia: A New History, 2005, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, p. 252). He is also a much sought after analyst on Malaysian current affairs in both local and international mass media (Al-Jazeera, National Geographic, Channel News Asia, BBC, Radio ABC Melbourne & Sydney, etc).

En français

Professeur émérite Shamsul Amri Baharuddin

Il a passé plus de 30 ans à rechercher, écrire et donner des conférences sur le thème « politique, culture et développement économique » en Asie du Sud-Est, avec un accent empirique sur la Malaisie et l’Indonésie. Ses essais et livres sont devenus des références standard en Australie, au Japon, au Royaume-Uni, en Suède et aux États-Unis sur les cours sur la politique et la culture de l’Asie du Sud-Est. Son essai / concept « nations d’intention » (1996) a été bien accueilli par les chercheurs en études de l’Asie du Sud-Est comme alternative à celui des « communautés imaginées » de Ben Anderson (1983) [voir, Norman G. Owen, éd., The Emergence of Modern Southeast Asia : A New History, 2005, Honolulu : University of Hawai’i Press, p. 252). Il est également un analyste très recherché sur l’actualité malaisienne dans les médias locaux et internationaux (Al-Jazeera, National Geographic, Channel News Asia, BBC, Radio ABC Melbourne & Sydney).

En Español

Profesor emérito Shamsul Amri Baharuddin

Ha pasado más de 30 años investigando, escribiendo y dando conferencias sobre “Política, cultura y desarrollo económico” en el sudeste asiático, con un enfoque empírico en Malasia e Indonesia. Sus ensayos y libros se han convertido en referencias estándar en Australia, Japón, Reino Unido, Suecia y Estados Unidos en los cursos de Política y Cultura del Sudeste Asiático. Su ensayo / concepto “naciones de intención” (1996) fue bien recibido por los investigadores en estudios del sudeste asiático como una alternativa al de “comunidades imaginadas” de Ben Anderson (1983) [ver, Norman G. Owen, ed., El surgimiento del sudeste asiático moderno: una nueva historia, 2005, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, p. 252). También es un analista muy solicitado de noticias de Malasia en los medios de comunicación locales e internacionales (Al-Jazeera, National Geographic, Channel News Asia, BBC, Radio ABC Melbourne & Sydney).

(UNESCO No. 2019MY1370)
(Ver. 07-2023)

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