Trajkoska, Zaneta
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À propos / About / Acerca de
Ms. Zaneta Trajkoska graduated in journalism from the Interdisciplinary Studies in Journalism at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”-Skopje, in 1996. She completed her master’s degree in Communication and Cultural Policy Management at Lumsa University in Rome, Italy, in 2004, on “Media Concentration and Its Impact on Media Pluralism”. She completed her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Characteristics and importance of spinning in creating media reality and its emergence in Macedonia”, within the political studies department at the Faculty of Law in Skopje.
She has been working as a journalist since 1993, first on Noma Radio, then on MTV, Libertas Radio, Focus Weekly, and since 1998 he has been working as a public relations officer for US Agency for International Development projects. for International Development (USAID). In the period from 1999 to 2001 she was the Executive Director of the Macedonian Press Center where he is one of the founders, and from 2001 he worked on the establishment of the Macedonian Institute of Media Foundation, where until the beginning of October 2008 she was the Executive Director. With the establishment of the School of Journalism and Public Relations, she moved to this higher education institution.
In the past, Trajkoska has worked as a consultant and PR expert for several USAID and EU projects, and in the last year she has been a consultant to the Secretariat for European Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for preparing communication strategies of the ministries for Macedonia’s EU integration. In the period 2006-2008, she was a member of the Commission for Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information, established by the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia in 2006. In 2000, she was on a study visit to the United States, and in recent years she has participated in European and world conferences on media and communications development.
(Ref.: https://iks.edu.mk/en/ics-team/zaneta-trajkoska, Jan. 10, 2023)
(Ver. 01-2023)
Prof. Zaneta Trajkoska
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Futures, Media and Information Literacy
Director, Institute for Communication Studies
School of Journalism and Public Relations
Skopje, North Macedonia
Tel.: (+389) 02 30 90 004
zanat@iks.edu.mk *
bojang@vs.edu.mk *
bojang@iks.edu.mk *
info@iks.edu.mk *
strpevska@vs.edu.mk *
georgieva@fzf.ukim.edu.mk *
Twitter: @zanetrajkoska