Martínez de Morentin, Juan Ignacio

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About / Acerca de / À propos

Juan Ignacio Martinez de Morentin has a Bachelor’s degree (1990) and a Ph.D. (2003) in Pedagogy from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). During his time as an undergraduate he was awarded the extraordinary Bachelor’s Degree prize (1990) and, since 2003, has been teaching at the UPV/EHU, where he is currently full professor at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. From 2014-2019 he served as Academic Secretary of the Department. Since 2011 has been the Executive Secretary of the UNESCO Chair in Communication and Educational Values, which is based at that same university and since 2019 is the UNESCO Chair holder.

He has participated in 18 research projects. He has directed or co-directed 7 doctoral theses (one of which received an international honorary mention) and is currently supervising 2 more. Previously, he was a trainee researcher at UNESCO (1995-1997) and a guest lecturer (2018) at the University of Geneva. It has two six-year research recognized by the CNEAI.

He has co-authored 31 scientific papers, 21 books, 21 book chapters and 60 communications presented at national and international conferences. His research focuses on educational values and their relationship with the media, identity construction among adolescents, parental mediation and media literacy. His work also explores digital anomie from a psychoeducational perspective, risk perception on the social media and inappropriate Internet use.

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